

Denee has been in constant pain for the past four years from failed spinal fusions. These were long (15 hr.) surgeries. She had to have 10 to 15 pedicle screws to support her spine that no longer supported itself. The last surgery was a success in stabilizing her spine but the pain never left. Please pray for her healing whether the Lord uses Doctors or divine healing to achieve this. Denee would also like prayer for direction to the right place for the correct rahabilitation for her muscles that have been cut through so many times.She is asking also for you to pray for her husband and children. This has been tough for all of them. Denee is a lady of strong faith. Please believe and pray with her for this. Denee has not driven in two years. Until recently having a morphine pump put in, she was bedridden. She is far from leading the normal life she used to which included attending aerobics 4 times a week, attending bible studies, and school activities with her 3 children. She is praying that one day she will be relieved of this pain and get back to a real life with her husband and children.

If you would like to pray for Denee on a daily basis please put in your email address in the space provided below and click the button. You will be updated on her condition as I receive reports. Again, thank you so much for your support. Don't forget to send Denee an email once in a while to let her know you are praying for her. The emails will go to a special place, then forwarded to her.

Updated 5/13/98
Denee is going to be going a pain clinic dealing only with chronic pain. This clinic could be the answer. After much prayer and going for a visit there, she has decided that this is the clinic she will use. This means being away from her family for awhile (6 weeks total) and that can be hard. Pray for a safe trip for her and hope that this is the place that will bring her back to health!! I will keep you posted as I hear from her. Thank you.

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