Megan and Zillah

Megan and Zillahangel

Megan and Zillah are 2 precious little babies, twins born 2 months ago. They were 2 months and 13 days premature. Megan has a hole in her heart and Zillah has an under-developed lung. Her family has asked for prayer for them. Please pray for complete healing and for these little ones to be united with their family soon.

Update: May 26, 1998
Here's a message the twins' sister sent me today...

I have an update on Megan and Zillah---Zillah came home TODAY!! she only needs an oxygen tank for breathing.......Meggie has to have an operation.

Whooowhooooo!!! Keep on praying for both of them....Lets pray especially for Meggie to be able to come thru the operation with flying colors..Pray for the Doctors also!

Update: - Meggie came home from the hospital on August 23rd!! Great news!

If you would like to pray for Megan and Zillah on a daily basis please put in your email address in the space provided below and click the button. You will be updated on their condition as I receive reports. Again, thank you so much for your support. Don't forget to send their family an email once in a while to let them know you are praying for them. The emails will go to a special place, then forwarded.

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