Nancy & Heather

Nancy & Heatherangel

A prayer request has been on behalf of Nancy and Heather. "Nancy Mullens has been fighting and standing in faith for her daughter and all that the enemy has come against them with. Her daughter, Heather is only 24 years old and the diabetes is so bad that she has lost almost all of her eyesight. Now on top of everything else they have been notified that the special insulin that she needs is being discontinued in two months. Nancy has had all the responsibility of her daughter for many, many years. They were deserted by her husband, Heather's father. Nancy has to work full time to support her and her daughter. She leaves work and goes home at noon time and feeds her daughter and gives her her shots. She has fought so many things against her daughter and her. Nancy is a born-again, spirit filled christian and is standing for her daughter to come into the kingdom. She is just worn out and needs time to sit at the feet of our Father God and rest. Please join us as we stand in the gap for Nancy and her daughter Heather. They need victories right now in their life."

If you would like to pray for Nancy and Heather on a daily basis please put in your email address in the space provided below and click the button. You will be updated on the situation as I receive reports. Again, thank you so much for your support. Don't forget to send them an email once in a while to let them know you are praying for them. The emails will go to a special place, then forwarded.

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p.s. don't forget to post your angel on your page. IMPORTANT: DO NOT link the angel image to your prayer subject!! This page is for your eyes only. Link this site somewhere on your site to let someone else know using the link button provided on the home page. You will be blessed by your commitment!!

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