Newman's Son

Newman's Sonangel

Mr. Newman's son and daughter-in-law's marriage recently broke up. They have 3 small children, ages 6 months, 3 years, and 6 years. This marriage was plagued with adulterous relationships, drinking, and a really bad life style. Mr. Newman says his son was raised in church and taught to serve Jesus from a very early age. He was even called to preach, but is running from this call and is angry with God for even calling him. Please pray for him to come back to the right place, with God. Pray for his family to get back together and to serve God as one.

If you would like to pray for Mr. Newman's son on a daily basis please put in your email address in the space provided below and click the button. You will be updated on the situation as I receive reports. Again, thank you so much for your support. Don't forget to send Mr. Newman an email once in a while to let him know you are praying for his request. The emails will go to a special place, then forwarded to him.

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