
This is a subject of a sensative nature but something I feel is very necessary to be here. PJ has requested prayer for pornography addiction.

He writes:

'Please pray for me that God would give me the strength to resist the temptation of pornography... it is going to ruin my life if it continues...'

Pornography is eating up the minds of 1 out of every 10 males in America. And this is just the documented figure. This was taken from a survey of men who admitted there was a problem. I personally feel it is even bigger. I am proud of PJ for coming forth and saying, 'I need PRAYER'. God is proud of him too. And you and I should pray for this man.

If you would like to pray for PJ on a daily basis please put in your email address in the space provided below and click the button. You will be updated on the situation as I receive reports. Again, thank you so much for your support. Don't forget to send PJ an email once in a while to let him know you are praying for him. The emails will go to a special place, then forwarded.

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